Broken Promises, Broken People

Broken Promises, Broken People is the second ‘slice of life’ volume following the life of bisexual journalist Judy Vernon

After years as a loner, Judy is now married to Myron Myerson. Her life is thrown into turmoil when her unconsummated relationship with Alison enters unfamiliar territory. The outcome of Alison’s divorce from John Farrington sees her out of control, exploring her newly won freedom and sexuality at every opportunity, to pressure Judy into sleeping with her.

In her professional life, Judy focuses on turning a vacant lot into a public space, after her parents-in-law accidentally acquire the property.

Meanwhile, Judy writes her new book about broken people interviewing a selection of people who have recovered from broken lives, and bringing an ensemble cast of characters, including a germaphobic agoraphobe, a male prostitute, and rapist about to marry his victim, into her once empty life.

Finally, Myron and Judy acquire a second restaurant, offering Alison a share and the position of manager, which brings her pheromones and behavior under control.

When Myron seems ready to suggest a polyamorous relationship with Alison, Judy believes her life is close to perfect, but a traffic accident changes their lives forever.

In Death As In Life (A Judy Vernon Story Book 1)